On the Tools menu, click Options
to show the Options
window. Options window has the following tabs:
Options in My
Record Tab
- Enter information about you, which will be used
to build the 'VCF' card for outgoing mails.
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- Database Options: You can
choose MS Access or SQL Server database option. If
you choose MS Access as your Database, it will
set cBizOne.mdb as your default database. If you choose
SQL Server, you will need to enter a DSN Name in the
Database box.
- Hosted/Remote Database: If you
are accessing the cBizOne database (SQL Server) remotely,
you can check the Hosted/Remote Database box for load-on-demand
for optimal remote speed and performance.
- cBizOne Data Folder: If you prefer
to share data (Contacts, Consultants, etc.) with multiple
users on your network, you may move this folder to
a shared network folder and set all users to point
to this folder. Otherwise, the given default
is recommended.
- Employee Resumes Folder: This is
the default folder for the Resumes of consultants
who are your employees. You can overwrite this
value for any given consultant.
- Non-Employee Resumes Folder: This
is the default folder for the Resumes of consultants
who are NOT your employees. You can overwrite
this value for any given consultant.
- Archived Employee Resumes Folder:
This is the default folder for the Resumes of consultants
who are archived (Consultants who do not work for
you anymore). You can overwrite this value for
any given consultant.
- Documents Folders: This is
the default folder for the Documents attached to any
Entity. You can overwrite this value for any
given entity.
- Resumes Folder - WEB: While composing
the 'Hotlist', cBizOne automatically inserts WEB Resume
Links into the 'Hotlist' if you specify the location
of resumes on the WEB. This is optional.
- Auto Login: By checking Auto Login,
cBizOne will automatically open when you launch it. If
this box is unchecked, you will need to click login
from the launch screen.
- Start Folder: This drop down box
allows you to select the folder that will load on
default when you open cBizOne. Choose from Companies,
Contacts, Consultants, Requirements and Calendar.
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Options in EMail
- Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): Enter
the name of your SMTP server.
- Username / Password: If your SMTP
server requires authentication, enter Username and
Password. Normally these will be blank.
- Reply Address: You can control
where the mail will be 'Replied-To', if the receiver
of your mail 'Hits' the 'Reply' button.
- Your EMail Name: Enter your EMail
Identity, for example: "Kris, cBizSoft"
- EMail Signature: This is the default signature
for all mail types (Plain Mail, Hotlist Mail, Resume
Mail and Reqlist Mail). You can create
and assign the default signature for each type
of mail.
Accounts/Identities: You can create
new or modify existing accounts.
Default Salutation for EMail: When
sending personalized mail, you can customize the
salutation for addressing your Contacts and Consultants.
VCard Name: The name entered here
will be used as the attachment name when sending
a VCard.
When Sending Bulk Mail...: When
sending 'Bulk Mail' to your contacts, you can control
how many contacts will be in the BCC for each mail.
Spell Check Mail...: Automatically
check spelling before sending the mail.
Disable “Powered By” Logo in Mails:
This feature is only available to paid customers. By
clicking this box, you can remove the “Powered By”
logo at the bottom of your sent email.
When sending mail, show Icons in System
tray: If checked, it will show email
Icons in the system tray when sending emails.
Automatically CC to Email2: By
clicking this box, you will not only send email
to the primary email address, but also any email
address entered in the Email2 field.
Test Mode: This is a very
useful feature when you are 'test driving the application'. If
you turn the Test Mode On (checked), all the mails
you send will be received by you instead of the
Plain Mail Tab, Resume Mail Tab,
Mail Tab,
Reqlist Mail Tab
Since there are four kinds of mails in our
industry, cBizOne allows you to customize each type of
mail. You can set the following defaults for each
type of mail.
- Footnotes: You can enter any
text in this, which will be automatically added at
the end of the given type of mail. For example,
you may want to enter 'Anti-SPAM Disclaimer' in the
Footnotes of the Hotlist Mail Tab.
- The Mail Tab and Resume Mail Tab contain check boxes
for Request Read Receipt and Request Delivery Receipt.
- The Resume Mail Tab also contains a check box to
automatically Attach Resumes when sending Resume Mail. If
checked, you will not have to manually attach a resume
when making a submittal.
- The Hotlist Mail Tab includes a Subject box where
you can enter a default subject line, which will show
in Hotlist Email window.
- In the Hotlist Mail Tab checking Post Consultants
to Web sites when sending Hotlist, will automatically
enable you to post your Consultants to our partner
web sites when you send a Hotlist Email.
- The Reqlist Mail Tab includes a Subject box where
you can enter a default subject line, which will show
in Reqlist Email window.
- In the Reqlist Mail Tab checking Allow sending
Reqlist to Consultants, will enable Reqlist choice
in Email Menu in the consultant’s folder.
- In the Reqlist Mail Tab checking Post Requirements
to Web sites when sending Reqlist, will automatically
enable you to post your Requirements to our partner
web sites when you send a Reqlist Email.
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Options in Calendar
- Default Reminder: Turn this on (checked),
if you want the application to automatically set a
reminder every time you create an appointment.
- Work Start Time / Work End Time:
Your work start and end time. Used to shade
the non-working hours in the calendar.
- First Day of Week: You can customize the
calendar to display the first day of week.
- Default Snooze: You can set your
default snooze time from the drop down menu.
- Share Calendar: Check the option
of 'Show other user's items in my calendar' to see
other user's calendar items.
- Auto Reminders: Birthday, Availability,
Visa Expiry, Employment Anniversary, Salary Review
etc: You can choose to remind automatically,
and how many days ahead to remind, for the events
of your Contact, Consultants.
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