Searching documents
(MS Word documents - *.doc, *.rtf):
On the Tools
menu, click Document Find to show the Document
Find Window.

Type in the search
words, separated by spaces, in Look for field (to
combine two words as one word, Ex: Visual Basic use "Visual
Basic"), select Match type, select the folder
in Look in field and click Find Now button.
Search will show all the documents matching the search
criteria. To view the document, select the document in
the list, then either click on Open or Open/Highlight.
Once document is opened using Open/Highlight, all
the search words will be highlighted.
Select the documents in the search window to be emailed
and then click on Email Button, the email
window comes up with attached documents, then select the
contact to be emailed.
Import Resumes:
Select the documents/resumes in the search window to be
imported directly into cBizOne application then click
on Import Resumes Button, it will extract
all the key information from the resume and create a new
Consultant record.