Searching through Resumes of Consultants:

Select the Consultant folder using Folder List. Select the desired View of the consultants, then click on Advanced Find in the search bar.

In Boolean search window you can search QNotes and Resume (Consultant Views only)

First you need to select Resume or QNotes and then Choose:

All – With all of these words
Any – With any of these words
Exact – With this Exact phrase
None – With none of these words

Then enter the desired keywords in the Keywords column separated by Space or Comma. Also you can enter the keywords by selecting from the Lookup Field dropdown box and then clicking on the Lookup button and selecting the desired keywords from the lookup list.

If you are entering keywords in multiple lines you need to choose AND/OR for your Boolean searches.

If you made a mistake in your Boolean search string you can click on the Clear Button to start over.

If you want to save this Boolean search string click on Save Searches and name the string. You can later access saved search strings from the dropdown box.

When you done building your search, click on the Find Now button to run your search. If there are items matching your search criteria the Advanced Find window will close.

To view the resume, right click on desired Consultant and select Open Resume. Once Resume is opened, all the search words will be highlighted. 

To clear this search click on Clear Search in the Search Bar.

If there are no records matching your search criteria Advanced Find window will stay open

Replace: Replaces the previous search results with the new search results
Add: Appends the new search results to the previous existing search results.
Narrow: From the existing search results you can narrow the result with the new search criteria.