
Scheduling from an Entity

You can quickly schedule an appointment to any entity.  This is a very useful feature, but rarely used in other applications like MS Outlook, etc., because you have to go through cumbersome steps and waits.  In cBizOne, using Quick Search, this is easy to use.

  1. Select the folder using Folder List.
  2. Select the desired item from the List View. For example, John Doe in Contacts.  You can quickly search for a Contact using Search Bar.
  3. Right click on the item, point to Schedule, and then click Call or Meeting or Interview on the shortcut menu to show the appointment window.
  4. Select the appointment date and time and click OK button.

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Schedule a call/meeting/interview/other/event (Activity Type)

You can schedule an activity for all the entities Contacts/Consultants/Requirements/Companies just by right clicking on any entity record.

  • Select the Sub-Type from the lookup list and set the Priority from the lookup.
  • Same appointment can be scheduled for multiple entities mainly used for reporting purposes. For Example, a Consultant is scheduled for an interview against the Requirement belonging to a Contact.
  • Set the Date, Time and Duration to schedule the Activity.
  • To activate the pop up reminder check Reminder .
  • Type descriptive Subject for the activity or select from the lookup.
  • Type Notes to add details about the activity.
  • Check Private if you want to make private to you, so no other users can see it.
  • Select Ok to schedule Activity.

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Schedule a Task

You can schedule a Task for all the entities Contacts/Consultants/Requirements/Companies just by right clicking on any entity record.

  • Select the Sub-Type from the lookup list and set the Priority from the lookup.
  • Set the Start Date and Due Date to schedule the Task.
  • To activate the pop up reminder check Reminder .
  • Type descriptive Subject for the Task or select from the lookup.
  • Type Notes to add details about the Task.
  • Check Private if you want to make private to you, so no other users can see it.
  • Select Ok to schedule Task.

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Scheduling From Calendar

Right Click in the time slot at which you want to schedule the activity, select Schedule and then select the type such as Call or Meeting .

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