
To run Reports, on the Tools menu, select Reports or click on Reports button on Tool Bar. cBizOne offers 6 categories of reports based on entity in the Reports menu.

  • Companies
  • Contacts
  • Requirements
  • Consultants
  • Calendar
  • General

Companies: On a company level you can run the report of all the contacts belonging to the company and see all the Activities pending, History, Sent Mails and Resume Submittals.

Contacts: You can run the report of all the contacts or group of Contacts or a single Contact and see all the Activities pending, History, Sent Mails, Resume Submittals, Interviews, Placements and address labels.

Requirements: You can run the report of all the Requirements or group of Requirements or a single Requirement and see all the Activities pending, History, Resume Submittals, Interviews, Placements.

Consultants: You can run the report of all the consultants or group of consultants or a single consultants and see all the Activities pending, History, Sent Mails, Resume Submittals, Interviews, Placements and address labels.

Calendar: You run the report of all the activities or appointments of the logged in user.

General: You can run the detailed report of all the Users or a selected user, this report shows any new records created, appointments generated, resume submittals, emails sent by each user.

Generating a Report

  • To generate a report select the Report Category and select the desired Report.
  • Click on Preview tab to see the result of the report, to print it click on Print Button.
  • To print the report in a PDF or a HTML format, click on the respective button.
  • To further customize the report, click on the Options button.
  • Select the Filter you want to change the values, click on Modify Filter or Double click on the selected filter.
  • For Selected Values you can Check All or selected only.
  • For Multiple Values you enter the vaules by comma separated full words or partial words.
  • For Date Range Values you can choose All or Selected, with in Selected you can choose Range(by checking dropdown box) or Between(by choosing the dates from the calendar).
  • Select the Sort criteria to be sorted based on Ascending or Descending or None.
  • Check Show Notes – If you want to have the Notes displayed in the report.
  • Check Show Sub-totals – If you want to have the sub-totals displayed in the report.
  • Check Print these Options – If you want to have the options you selected to be printed at the bottom of the report.
  • Click on Save Settings button if you want to save the settings to run the same report again and then click OK.