Customize Win-Forms (Form Designer):

Form Designer:

  • To customize the lay out of your forms or to add New Tabs, on the Tools menu, select Customize and choose Form Designer.
  • Once the Customize Window opens up select the Form Designer which opens the Form Modifier.
  • All the white fields can be removed from the form and can be placed on a different Tab or on a new tab.
  • All the color fields cannot be removed from the form it can only be placed with in the same form.
  • To add a new tab click on the menu bar Tabs and choose Add Tab.
  • To rename a tab click on the menu bar Tabs and choose Rename Current Tab.
  • To delete a tab click on menu bar Tabs and choose Delete Tab.
  • To Remove a field from the desired tab, select the white colored field and click on the Remove Field on the menu bar which will add the field to the Fields list on your left hand side.
  • All the Fields to be placed on to the tabs must be under the Fields list view.
  • To place a field, select the desired tab and drag the field from the Fields list and drop it wherever you want inside the window.
  • To align the fields properly you can use CTRL and arrow keys in the direction you want.
  • To adjust the size of the fields use Shift and arrow keys in the direction you want.
  • Click Save and Close to save the setting of your form design.