Create/Modify a Requirement:

  • Click Requirements folder in Folder List, to display Requirements list. 
  • To create a Requirement:
    •  On the File menu, click New... 
  • To modify a Requirement:
  • Enter/Modify all the desired fields or by using the default LookUp Values.
  • Click on Save and Close  button on the toolbar in the Requirement Window.  Automatically saves and closes the window.

cBizOne automatically composes a Reqlist using the information entered for each Requirement.  Most of the fields are optional.  At minimum, you need to enter Requirement ID, Job Title and Description.

Most of the Requirement fields are self-explanatory.  The following fields need some description.

General Tab:

  1. Requirement ID: It generates a unique ID (Req-0001/Job-0001) or You can enter any unique ID. For example: CA-DBA-001.
  2. Contact: Enter the contact name or click on the Lookup button to link to an existing  contact or create a new contact from the link window.
  3. Send in Reqlist: If you do not want a requirement to be included in the Reqlist even though the requirement is open, uncheck this field.
  4. Categories Button: You can assign multiple categories for each Requirement.  Click on the Categories button and check the desired categories.  For example, you can assign "Vendor, Prime Vendor, SAP Vendor" to a Requirement. 
  5. Groups Button: You can assign multiple Groups for each Requirement.  Unlike categories, this allows you to 'profile' Requirements based on non-professional classification.
  6. Owners Button: You can assign one or more 'Owners' for each Requirement.  Owner is the person who will be interacting with this Requirement.

QNotes Tab:

  1. Archived Box: If a Requirement is closed or has no activity, check this field to Archive the Requirement.
  2. Closed Date: Enter the closed date of the Requirement.

User Fields Tab:

  1. Ten fields are provided for you to add additional data.  You can customize the user fields by using the Database Designer.