On the Tools button (cBizbar),
click Options to show the Options
window. Options window has the following tabs:
Options in General Tab
- Duplicates: To apply the duplicates filter
check the field. A mail is a duplicate, if it is received
from the same sender with same subject, same size
and same day. You can move to a separate folder or
mark the mail as duplicate.
- Mail to URL: Check this field, if you want
to automatically open the cBizOne Email window for
all your default email window.
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Options in cBizOne Tab
When ever you are adding Contacts and Consultants
to cBizOne, using incoming mails, you can set the following
- Turn on 'Send Hotlist': Check the field,
if you want to send the 'Hotlist' to the newly added
- Turn on 'Send Reqlist': Check the field,
if you want to send the 'Reqlist' to the newly added
- Categories: Enter the Categories name, you
want to assign to the newly added Contacts/Consultants.
- Groups: Enter the Groups name, you want to
assign to the newly added Contacts/Consultants.
- Owners: Enter the Owners name, you want to
assign to the newly added Contacts/Consultants.
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