Searching Consultants:

Searching is one most unique feature in cBizOne.  Unlike most other Contact/EMail managers (like MS Outlook, ACT), cBizOne does instant live searching.  For example, if you are searching for Jay Rao, Oracle DBA, you just need to enter "ja" in the Name column and "or" in the Job Title column of the Search Bar.  It is proven that, it takes only 3 to 4 keystrokes and fraction of a second to locate a Consultant from 10,000+ Consultants.  Click Clear Search Button to display all Consultants.


Searching in one field:
(For Example: First Name, Last Name, Job Title, Home Phone, EMail Address, etc.)
You can search on any known piece of information.  You simply enter first few characters in the corresponding search column.

Searching in multiple fields:
(For Example: First Name and Job Title)
You simply enter few characters of the first name in the Name column and enter few characters of the job title in the Job title column of the Search Bar.

Searching by partial word in one field:
(For Example: all Consultants with Java as primary skill)
Enter *Jav in the Primary Skills column in the Search Bar.  If you enter asterisk ('*'), the search will locate all the occurrences matching your entry, not just the ones which start with what you entered.  

Searching by multiple values in one field:
(For Example: all Consultants with Java and EJB)
Enter *java;*ejb in the Primary Skills column in the Search Bar.  If you enter a semi-colon (';'), the search will locate all the consultants matching both. i.e. Matching all words.

*(Asterisk) = search anywhere in the column, not just starting from left
, (Comma) = search for multiple - any word
; (Semi-colon) = search for multiple - all words