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SQL Server 2005 Replication

Testing Replication

To identify the records from Publisher and Subscribers database, we have to define a row in the Counters Table with different CurCount values.

For Publisher Machine
TableName : SiteID
CurCount : 0

For Subscriber Machine
TableName : SiteID
CurCount : 1

Increment the CurCount values as new Subscriber is added. Following illustrates the screen shorts





  • Launch the Replication monitor and check the status of replication.


  • Right click on the Subscription Wizard List and select Start Synchronizing.




  • To check the replication is working properly, update a record at the Subscriber Machine and See the reflection at Publisher Machine and vice versa.

    E.g. Open the Companies Table and update a column and see the reflection at other replicated database.






Deprecated Features in SQL Server 2005 Replication

Feature Description
Schema changes using sp_repladdcolumn and sp_repldropcolumn
The stored procedures sp_repladdcolumn (Transact-SQL) and sp_repldropcolumn (Transact-SQL) have been deprecated. Use schema change replication instead. For more information, see Making Schema Changes on Publication Databases .
The stored procedures cannot be used for adding or dropping columns with data types introduced in SQL Server 2005: XML, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), or user defined types (UDT).
Multicolumn UPDATE option
When merge replication performs an update, it updates all changed columns in one UPDATE statement and resets unchanged columns to their original values. Alternatively, it can issue multiple UPDATE statements, with one UPDATE statement for each column that has changed. The multicolumn UPDATE statement is typically more efficient.
In previous versions of SQL Server, it was recommended to specify a value of false for the fast_multicol_updateproc article option to address cases in which a multicolumn update (one UPDATE statement) might be less efficient:
  • Most updates involve a small number of columns.
  • Index maintenance on unchanged columns is high because those columns are reset when updates occur.
Due to performance improvements in SQL Server, this option is no longer required for these cases.


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